With growth in mind.
The Foundation’s goal is to grow its endowment by maximizing investment returns while preserving principal.
Your endowment is flourishing.
Total Endowment Value
Invested Asset Growth
The Foundation’s investment objectives respond to changes in the economic environment, market conditions and other considerations. Endowment portfolio growth reflects the contributions of generous donors and strong investment performance.
Endowment Investment Performance
Maximizing return on philanthropy.
Not just for now, but forever.®
When choosing an investment strategy, the Colorado State University Foundation is dedicated to its core objectives of quality, performance, liquidity and diversification.
Since its inception in 1991, the Foundation’s investment portfolio has realized an 8.54% annualized return.
You make a lasting difference.
Distributions from the endowment to CSU continue to increase. This growth is due to donors’ generous contributions and the Foundation’s prudent stewardship. The Foundation’s board proactively implemented the use of a three-year rolling average calculation in 2021 to reduce the impact of market volatility and provide greater stability to the funds available to the University.
Endowment Distribution Growth
A $100K endowed scholarship established in 1991 would have provided 180 scholarships of $1,500 each by 2024 while still maintaining an endowment value of nearly $230K.